BABLO 민트 샴프 남성 샴푸 브러시 세트 아미노산 스파 쿨 감귤 좋은 향기

Product Info
Customer $0
Price 33.15
Discounted Price $33.15 ( $33.15 discount)
Discounted Amount Total Discounted Amount KRW
(Mobile Purchase Discount KRW )
Reward Points


Reward points from Payment by Wire Transfer without Bankbook KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Credit Card KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Reward Points KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Reward Points KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Mobile Phone KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Store Credits KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Escrow KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Virtual Account KRW %

Reward points from Payment by Virtual Account KRW %

Shipping Method Parcel Service
Shipping Cost Free
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Total(Qty) 0

Discounted amount of your subtotal will appear when you place your orders.

This is shopping information for overseas purchasing agency products.
Overseas purchasing agency shopping information
  • All products from Bamboo Shop are shipped from Japan and Bamboo Shop does not have its own stock.
  • The selling price on the product page is pure product price, and you can check whether the product is in stock immediately by clicking the shopping basket or purchase right away, or check inventory button.
  • Shipping is all free.
Delivery Period & Shipping Fee
  • After payment It will take about 10-15 days and . In some cases, it may be delayed further, so please contact the customer service center in advance and order the products you need on a specific date. Please be aware that overseas delivery is not as fast as Korea.
  • It's rare, but if the volume or weight of differs significantly from the time of order, shipping charges may be added , and in this case, we are contacting the customer individually.
customs duty and surtax
  • All products from Bambu Shop are delivered directly from overseas delivery centers, and the payment price does not include customs duties/taxes.
  • In the case of Japanese goods, tariffs and VAT will be exempted if the total price of pure goods is USD 150 or less. (Excluding some items such as liquor and perfume / If you purchase more than 60 ml, you will be subject to customs tax.)
  • Customs tax will be imposed only if the price of pure products is over USD 150 and the delivery company (Fedex, etc.) will give you a receipt directly.
  • The customer who placed the order with this receipt can pay directly by bank or online.
  • If you ask about our Bambu shop, we will inform you of the approximate customs value tax, and you have to contact the Korea Customs Service directly for the exact amount of customs value tax.
  • Please understand that it is difficult to provide individual information because the tariff/tax rates vary by item.
order cancellation
  • Depending on the progress of overseas purchase agency, In the case of expenses incurred because of cancellation processing, there is and the buyer is responsible.
      Step after ordering a local product and before shipping the product at a local retailer There is no additional cost and we will cancel it without any notice.
  • Step of shipping products from local retailers
    If the product can be recovered, there will be a local round trip shipping fee for the local return after collection, We will inform you individually after checking the return cost.
    (For your information, local shipping charges in Japan are determined according to the shipping/destination area, size/weight of the cargo Osaka-Tokyo, for size 80 cargo, the round-trip fare is about KRW 30,000.
  • If the product cannot be recovered locally, such as in the local export customs clearance stage, the local cancellation can be physically made It's impossible and please review the return after receiving the product.
Exchange/return information
  • It is an overseas purchasing agency, not a company that holds and sells Bamboo Shop inventory.
    Therefore, returns will be made after receiving them directly from overseas shopping malls/brand companies, Refund will be made to the buyer after the refund process of the overseas seller is completed.
  • Return because of the reason attributable to the buyer: A refund will be made after the return fee is deducted.
    For return fee,
    Round trip international shipping fee + Local round trip shipping fee + Domestic return shipping fee (However, it can be omitted if returned directly to the local area)
    Please return the product within 7 days of receipt.
  • Return because of product defects, misdelivery, etc.: Refund of the amount paid
A/S information
  • All products are for overseas domestic use and may not be available in Korea. We inform you that A/S is not responsible.
  • Electronic products in Japan, the United States, etc. use 110 volts. If the product itself does not support free bolts, a separate transformer or adapter may be required when used in Korea.
  • Please note that the product manual is written in foreign languages such as Japanese and English, and there are many cases where there is no Korean manual.

BABLO 민트 샴프 남성 샴푸 브러시 세트 아미노산 스파 쿨 감귤 좋은 향기

BABLO POMADEのスーパークールミントシャンプー&シャンプーブラシセット。【爽快!冷感ミントシャンプー】 メントールのクール感で頭皮がヒンヤリ爽快!髪と地肌をスッキリ洗いながら、天然由来の保湿成分でツヤのあるしなやかな髪へ。デキるメンズの次世代アミノ酸系シャンプー。夏の暑い日にピッタリ! ◆容量:200ml【アミノ酸系洗浄成分の濃密泡】 BARBERやサロンなどのシャンプー施術でも使用されるアミノ酸系の洗浄成分(ココイルメチルタウリンNa)を配合。地肌の汚れをしっかりと洗い落としながらも、男の髪と地肌に潤いツヤを。プロユースの洗い上がりを自宅で手軽に。ラウリル硫酸ナトリウムやラウレス硫酸ナトリウムなどは使用していません。 【こんな方にオススメ】 暑い日に頭皮をスッキリしたい。強いクール冷感が好き。頭皮のベタツキが気になる。頭皮のニオイが気になる。髪にツヤ潤いが欲しい。アミノ酸系シャンプーを使ってみたい。【ヒップホップ髪型の洗髪に】 ドレッドヘアやコーンロウ、ブレイズなどといったブラックカルチャーな髪型の洗髪にもオススメ。スースーする清涼感が、なんとも言えない気持ち良さ。 【コンディショナー不要!これ1本で完結】厳選したヘアコンディショニング成分(※1)を配合。コンディショナーやトリートメント、リンスを使わなくてもOK!これ1本で洗髪&潤い補修ヘアケア。忙しいビジネスマンにピッタリの時短シャンプー。 ※1 シア脂、キトサン、カキタンニン(柿タンニン)、グリチルリチン酸2K、コラーゲン 【不快臭をマスキング】 シトラス&グレープフルーツの清涼感ある香りで、気分リフレッシュ。香りにより毛髪、頭皮の嫌なニオイを抑える効果もあります。【天然由来成分で健やかな髪へ】 植物由来の天然成分(※2)が男の髪と頭皮にアプローチ。乾燥した頭皮や髪を保湿し、健やかな髪へ。毛髪にハリ、こしを与えます。カキタンニン(※3)も配合しています。 ※2 ローマカミツレ花エキス、ローズマリー葉エキス、ニンニク根エキス、セイヨウキズタ葉エキス、セイヨウアカマツ球果エキス、ゴボウ根エキス、オランダガラシエキス、オドリコソウエキス、アルニカエキス ※3 コンディショニング成分 ◆シャンプーブラシの説明◆【自宅で簡単、頭皮マッサージ】3種類の独自ストレッチャーがオトコの頭皮のツボを刺激。1度使ってみたら、ヤミツキになるほどの気持ち良さ。揉み解したい部分にグングンと入る!頭周りがほぐれていくのを即実感。 【男の本格ヘッドスパを自宅で手軽に】 頭皮のツボに効果的にアプローチできる頭皮用マッサージブラシ「BABLO ヘッドスパ スカルプシャンプーブラシ」。頭皮を押して、揉み、さらに毛穴から汚れをかき出す。頭皮をほぐして、しっかりリフレッシュ。 【人にマッサージされているかのような気持ち良さ】 人間の指のような弾力を実現した「C型ストレッチャー」が頭のツボを刺激。掴んで、揉み上げる!頭皮のツボにアプローチし、頭皮や顔周りをスッキリ。 【頭皮のツボを押す】ツボ押し玉で、こめかみやオデコ、眉間、首筋をグリグリと刺激。PCやスマホの使いすぎ、デスクワークや在宅勤務中のリラクゼーションアイテムとして。 【シャンプーブラシとしても使える】毛穴に効果的にアプローチできる「クロス突起」でシャンプーしながら汚れをしっかりかき出す!頭皮の汚れを取りながらしっかりと揉みほぐすことで、地肌ストレスを取り除きます。  ◆原産国:日本 ◆カラー:シルバーグレー

Product Details
Product Name BABLO 민트 샴프 남성 샴푸 브러시 세트 아미노산 스파 쿨 감귤 좋은 향기
Price $33.15
Payment for Shipping Parcel Service
Shipping (Charge) Free


저희 서비스로는 페이모, 카카오페이, 신용카드를 이용하실 수 있습니다.


  • Shipping Method : Parcel Service
  • Shipping Area : A Region.
  • Shipping Cost : Free
  • Shipping Time : 10 - 15 days
  • About Shipping : 해외직배송 상품은 주문완료 후 국가별로 10일~15일 (주말/휴일 제외) 정도의 배송기간이 소요될 수 있습니다.
    판매자 사정 및 도서산간 지역의 경우 배송이 더 지연될 수 있습니다.


단순 변심에 의한 교환/반품은 왕복 해외배송비 등 제반 비용이 구매자에게 부과되오니 반드시 확인하세요.
반품배송비: 편도 30,000원 (최초 배송비 무료인 경우 60,000원 부과)
교환배송비: 60,000원

반품 시 먼저 판매자와 연락하셔서 반품 사유, 택배사, 배송비 등을 협의하신 후 상품을 반품하시기 바랍니다.

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